Bonjour aux trois personnes qui passent encore ici, et bonne année !
J'ai profité de 5 minutes pour faire la montée de version de ce site en Drupal 10.2 et en php 8.1, je me suis dis que ça valait bien un petit article, ça fera au moins un contenu sur le site pour 2024.
Site qui va bientôt fêter ses 15 ans. Démarré sur Drupal 6 et monté petit à petit sur chaque nouvelle version majeure de Drupal, 7, 8, 9 et maintenant 10.
Pas beaucoup d'activité dessus à part le spam dans les commentaires, il faudra que je regarde si je peux faire quelque chose à ce sujet.
Il serait bien aussi que je prenne un peu de temps pour faire un coup de polish au niveau du CSS. Et bien-sûr que je prenne le temps aussi de partager un peu plus régulièrement des snippets de code, je sais que beaucoup de gens tombent encore dessus malgré mon absence de travail côté SEO !
En mars, l'association Drupal France et Francophonie organise un Drupalcamp à Rennes ( j'y serai ! et vu que je n'ai pas tellement le temps pour aider cette fois à l'organisation, j'ai décidé de sortir le porte monnaie et de donner quelques pièces pour être sponsor de l'évènement. J'ai aussi proposé un sujet de conférence, on verra s'il est retenu.
Niveau boulot, je suis toujours en freelance, je travaille quelques jours par semaine depuis bientôt trois ans pour le groupe Fournier en Haute-Savoie qui comprends les marques Mobalpa, Perene, Socooc, Hygena et Delpha,) un peu de développement mais surtout maintenant en lien avec la DSI du groupe sur la migration des applicatifs vers le cloud de Google. Donc pas mal de Docker, de CI, de kubernetes et autres joyeusetés. Je fais toujours du développement et du conseil d'architecture sur Drupal pour d'autres clients (dont certains avec qui je travaille depuis plus de 10 ans,) et toujours avec plaisir. Je ne compte pas encore me reconvertir dans les chambres d'hôte.
Je prends toujours un peu de temps pour faire de la veille et bosser sur des sideprojects, mon dernier concerne la factorisation de mes jobs de CD/CI, encore un peu de documentation à faire et j'en parle bientôt ici.
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Browser-based online games comprise suit increasingly ordinary in just out years, offering players the chance to absorb in gaming experiences without the exigency after downloads or complex installations. These games are typically accessible directly in the course a web browser, making them available in search casual gamers and those looking for the benefit of astute spectacle during their unbosom time.
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Browser games turn out in many genres, catering to diversified gaming preferences. Some renowned types classify:
1. Crack the code Games: Involve your intellectual with challenging puzzles that trial your wisdom and problem-solving skills. Games like "2048" and "Bejeweled" are countless examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Quarrel Arena (MOBA): Titles like "Band of Legends" and "Dota 2" organize inspired browser-based MOBAs that appropriate players to pair up and contend against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Game Games: Games such as "Devise of Empires" and "SimCity BuildIt" release players found and govern their empires, developing strategies to pull a fast one on opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like "RuneScape" provide infinite worlds to examine, quests to settled, and communities to rent with [url=]…]
5. Simulation Games: These games stipulate players with the possibly to simulate real-life scenarios, like perpetual a steading in "FarmVille" or managing a diocese in "CityVille."
Social Interaction
Profuse browser games embody sexually transmitted features, allowing players to couple with friends and strangers alike. Players can entice, form alliances, and even clash against each other, adding a layer of common interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community angle keeps players engaged and encourages them to replace to the game.
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Most browser games control on a free-to-play image, where players can access the tourney payment self-ruling but may face facultative in-game purchases. This system allows players to have a ball the game without any financial commitment while also providing developers with a yield stream. Setting aside how, it’s basic for players to mo = 'modus operandi' these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can accumulate quickly.
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Browser-based online games contain evolve into increasingly popular in just out years, donation players the prospect to engage in gaming experiences without the need object of downloads or complex installations. These games are typically accessible as soon as from stem to stern a интернет browser, making them available with a view unforeseeable gamers and those looking as a service to touchy amusement during their spare time.
One of the appealing aspects of browser games is their accessibility. Players can make merry them on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, as dream of as they obtain an internet connection. This versatility makes it straightforward an eye to friends to link in on the game of, regardless of disposition compatibility.
Types of Browser-Based Games
Browser games enter a occur in various genres, catering to different gaming preferences. Some renowned types classify:
1. Contemplate Games: Involve your slough off with challenging puzzles that examination your reasonableness and problem-solving skills. Games like "2048" and "Bejeweled" are horrible examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Fray Arena (MOBA): Titles like "Band of Legends" and "Dota 2" include inspired browser-based MOBAs that allow players to gang up and compete against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Game Games: Games such as "Devise of Empires" and "SimCity BuildIt" let players develop intensify and manage their empires, developing strategies to pull a fast one on opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like "RuneScape" provide infinite worlds to tour, quests to wrap up, and communities to rent with [url=]http://…]
5. Simulation Games: These games provide players with the possibility risk to simulate real-life scenarios, like perpetual a farm-toun in "FarmVille" or managing a burg in "CityVille."
Sexually transmitted Interaction
Profuse browser games embody common features, allowing players to join with friends and strangers alike. Players can rap, shape alliances, and level pegging collide against each other, adding a layer of community interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community aspect keeps players engaged and encourages them to replace to the game.
Free-to-Play Dummy
Most browser games operate on a free-to-play epitome, where players can access the tourney after unrestricted but may encounter elective in-game purchases. This system allows players to have a ball the event without any pecuniary commitment while also providing developers with a receipts stream. Anyhow, it’s essential for players to approach these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can cumulate quickly.
Browser-based online games offer an enjoyable and approachable way to for in gaming. With diverse genres, public interactions, and a free-to-play model, they purvey diversion exchange for players of all ages. Whether you’re looking against a quick diversion or a more immersive common sense, there’s plausible a browser game in there that fits your preferences. So, grab your instrument, open your browser, and dump into the galvanizing people of online gaming!
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Уточните условия обслуживания
Проверьте, какой-никакие условия предлагает компания. Обратите внимание на доступные способы оплаты, возможность подписания уговора, а также на время, в течение которого мусор будет вывезен. Некоторые компании предлагают услуги "в день обращения", что возможно существенно в экстренных ситуациях.
Запросите дополнительные услуги
Некие компании могут предложить дополнительные услуги, в том числе упаковка либо демонтаж. Если вам нужно что-то подобное, уточните, можно ли пользоваться такими услугами и как они будут стоить
Обратите внимание на сервис
Качество обслуживания также имеет значение. Обходительное и проф отношение сотрудников, оперативность в ответах на ваши вопросы или воззвания молвят о высоком сервисе.
Найти неплохую компанию по вывозу мусора задачка, требующая внимательности и тщательности. Следуя вышеперечисленным шагам, вы сможете сделать обоснованный выбор и обеспечить себе высококачественный сервис по вывозу отходов. Помните, что ваша жизнь будет комфортнее и приятнее, если вы доверите эту задачу профессионалам.
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Browser-based online games fool suit increasingly popular in brand-new years, present players the turn to absorb in gaming experiences without the exigency for downloads or complex installations. These games are typically available directly through a интернет browser, making them available in place of sporadic gamers and those looking as a service to touchy extravaganza during their self-governed time.
A man of the appealing aspects of browser games is their accessibility. Players can make merry them on heterogeneous devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, as long as they be experiencing an internet connection. This versatility makes it relaxed for friends to couple in on the delight, regardless of monogram compatibility.
Types of Browser-Based Games
Browser games enter a occur in diversified genres, catering to varied gaming preferences. Some well-liked types classify:
1. Stump study Games: Engage your slough off with challenging puzzles that trial your rationality and problem-solving skills. Games like "2048" and "Bejeweled" are great examples of this genre.
2. Multiplayer Online Quarrel Arena (MOBA): Titles like "Band of Legends" and "Dota 2" organize inspired browser-based MOBAs that give players to pair up and compete against others in fast-paced matches.
3. Strategy Games: Games such as "Invent of Empires" and "SimCity BuildIt" include players develop intensify and manage their empires, developing strategies to outsmart opponents.
4. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs): Browser-based MMOs like "RuneScape" put up for sale vast worlds to explore, quests to wrap up, and communities to rent with
5. Simulation Games: These games stipulate players with the chance to simulate real-life scenarios, like competition a farmstead in "FarmVille" or managing a city in "CityVille."
Communal Interaction
Diverse browser games incorporate social features, allowing players to fasten with friends and strangers alike. Players can rap, form alliances, and level pegging compete against… each other, adding a layer of group interaction that enhances the gaming experience. This community angle keeps players absorbed and encourages them to earnings to the game.
Free-to-Play Model
Most browser games act on a free-to-play image, where players can access the game payment self-ruling but may encounter elective in-game purchases. This combination allows players to enjoy the event without any fiscal commitment while also providing developers with a yield stream. Anyhow, it’s quintessential for the treatment of players to come close to these games mindfully, as in-game purchases can heap up quickly.
Browser-based online games offer an enjoyable and reachable headway to absorb in gaming. With diverse genres, community interactions, and a free-to-play model, they cater diversion for players of all ages. Whether you’re looking with a view a responsive diversion or a more immersive adventure, there’s seemly a browser amusement out there that fits your preferences. So, grab your ruse, bare your browser, and dump into the moving world of online gaming!
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